Seeing the Need

October 30

Leviticus 19.9-10

“‘When you reap the harvest of your land, do not reap to the very edges of your field or gather the gleanings of your harvest.  10 Do not go over your vineyard a second time or pick up the grapes that have fallen.  Leave them for the poor and the foreigner.  I am the Lord your God.

Tomorrow is a day many kids look forward to.  Getting to dress up in a costume.  Going to the neighbours and getting handfuls of candy.  Having a sugar rush that will last a week.  Finding out that the excess sugar gave us a few cavities and now we have to see the dentist.  Or maybe that takes the idea too far.  Tomorrow is a day when we give to kids and make them happy.  Hold that in mind, as we see the laws from God to the people.

Some texts from Leviticus can get left behind by many of us.  I don’t have fields that I harvest, so I don’t have gleanings for others to pick up.  It can make it easy for us to do what we want if we only take things at the most basic and literal way.  While this was written to a mostly agrarian society, we see the message in the statement for all.

God reminds us that we are responsible to care for the poor and the foreigner.  Thinking of those who are need of food and shelter.  Not blaming the one in need.  Thinking they should have their life together and plan better.  There is a need and we should meet the need.  It may be tempting to point out that there is some work involved for the one in need here, we still remember that the command is not for the one in need to follow, it is to protect and care for the vulnerable in our midst.

So as we freely give out some candy to kids who come to our doors in a day, let’s be reminded of a need greater than excess sugar and a dentist appointment.  Remembering the needs of our local neighbours through the means available in our places.  Remembering the needs of our neighbours farther away through Compassion, World Renew, or other agencies bringing care to those in need.  Remembering the needs of refugees, those we still might see as foreigners, yet become our neighbours as we see to their needs as well. 

See the opportunity before us to love our neighbours, and to love God as we love others.

SongThe Father’s House


Lord Our God, you are the tireless guardian of your people, hearing the cries of those in need of your grace.  Help us to see the needs of others right before us.  Give us your eyes of compassion to realize that your people are all around us in need of your presence.  May we be the presence of Christ as we go into your world today and may we show your love in all we do.  In the name of Christ who has shown us the greatest love of all, Amen.