Patience in Waiting

December 7

2 Peter 3.8-9

But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.

One of the recurring refrains we will hear during Advent is: Come, Lord Jesus.  We might even say, “Come quickly!”  It is our desire to see Jesus return.  We do want to be with him.  And then we can sit with those words that have been coming at us from the skeptics from the days Peter wrote this, wondering about the length of time we have already waited.  Then it was maybe in the decades.  Now it is over 2,000 years of waiting.  How much longer?

We might begin singing the words of Psalm 13, How Long, O Lord.  And then we can be reminded of these words in Peter.  It is not about being slow to return.  It is that he is patient for our repentance and renewal.  God waits on us, and many others, to come to follow Jesus and be renewed in his grace by the work of the Spirit. 

We can say we have taken our place among those who believe and follow.  But we continue to pray that God’s grace be fully brought to the larger world around us.  To those near and far who still need to believe, follow and be renewed in his grace.  We need to be the ones speaking of faith as we live out our faith.  Allowing others to see the reality of Jesus still in this world today.  Giving all the chance to see the working of the Spirit through the church today.

Our prayers today are for the world in need of a saviour, a redeemer and lord.

SongHow Long, Oh Lord


Lord God, we wait eagerly for the return of your son, Jesus, as he promised.  Give us the patience and confidence to persevere in our waiting.  Bring many others around us into your grace, that the patience you have shown will bear fruit in our midst.  We pray for those whom we know are in need of grace today.  (Name those we know who still need to come to faith in Jesus).  In the name of Jesus who has redeemed us and promises his grace to all who follow, Amen.