Meeting Often, Encouraging Always

January 29

Hebrews 10.23-25

23 Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.  24 And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, 25 not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another — and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

I have heard this text used mostly to convince us all that we needed to be present at worship each Sunday.  Yet the text says nothing about meeting solely for worship.  It does not specify a day.  And as important as Sunday worship is for us, this text is about much more.  It is about meeting together more often.  Being together for the purpose of encouraging each other in faith, to be prepared for the Day – a metaphor for the return of Christ and the final resurrection.

This makes me look at the people I see throughout the week differently.  Not just sitting together for coffee or treats to talk about what is wrong with the local politician or the national politics.  Not to discuss the current sports season and teams we support, or the ones we despise.  Talking about how faith and life are intertwined.  Seeing how we see God at work in life.  Encouraging each other with the ways we have seen God working and encouraging each other to continue to see God around us.

This makes me think about the way we speak of seeing God and how we encourage people in faith.  Not a forceful poke, pushing our way in with no regard for where another is sitting in life.  But engaging in life and seeing the many places we can speak of faith.  Hearing another speak of the pain of life and seeing God walk with us in that struggle.  Listening to someone tell us about a book or movie that has spoken to them and seeing in it the messages that flow from God’s presentation of who we are and who he is.

This makes me see that the way we interact with each other can be deepened by our ability to share the stories of faith in our own life.  Seeing God act in the large and small events of our lives.  Praying, and finding our papers we couldn’t find.  Seeing God leading us in the next phase of life.  Whether a move, a new job, or retirement.  We can meet and bring encouragement, as we receive encouragement, to prepare us all for the day of Christ’s return.  Seeing that we are ready to be with him forever as we follow today.

SongWe Are Called


O God of all creation, you alone are God.  And you alone can satisfy our longing for a support that earth cannot give and that heaven will not take away.  Help us, in recognition of our common dependence on you, to acknowledge our need of one another.  Let the oneness of our lives make us one in love and service.  Amen.